George the shepherd is exhausted. Its complete chaos in the valley!
The sheep do whatever they want and love to wander around.
Shearing time is approaching and George needs to find a way to herd them all together and fast! Using the village sheepdogs to help seems the best way forward.
Make the most of each dogs skills to get the sheep under control.
Object of the Game
Be the first player to score 20 points.
- Form the Sheep deck
- Shuffle all Sheep, Joker, and Action cards together.
- Deal six cards to each player.
- Deal the Sheepdog and Empty Doghouse cards
- Deal two Empty Doghouse cards to each player, then return the rest to the box.
- Shuffle the Sheepdog cards, then deal one to each player.
Give a Score wheel to each player.
The player with the most convincing baa goes first.
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