PropertyWinnie the Pooh Cost (Ink)2 Character VersionHunny Pirate Ink TypeAmber Card TypeCharacter Strength2 Willpower2 Lore Value1 RarityRare Card EffectSupport (Whenever this character quests, you may add their Strength to another chosen character’s Strength this turn.)
[We’re Pirates, You See] Whenever this character quests, you pay 1 Ink less for the next Pirate character you play this turn.Show More var cardText = document.querySelector(“.store-pass-card-text”) var showMore = document.querySelector(‘.store-pass-show-more’) function toggleCardText() { if (showMore.innerHTML == ‘Show More’) { showMore.innerHTML = ‘Show Less’ cardText.classList.add(‘store-pass-full-text’) } else { showMore.innerHTML = ‘Show More’ cardText.classList.remove(‘store-pass-full-text’) } } initText() function initText() { if (!checkOverflow(cardText)) return showMore.classList.remove(‘d-none’) } function checkOverflow(el) { var curOverflow =; if (!curOverflow || curOverflow === “visible”) = “hidden” var isOverflowing = el.clientWidth < el.scrollWidth || el.clientHeight < el.scrollHeight; = curOverflow; return isOverflowing; }
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