
Viticulture Wine Crate

Original price was: $94.95.Current price is: $47.48.

SKU: NJHG425406 Category:


The Wine Crate is an organizer box for Viticulture, designed from the inside out to hold all Viticulture components (core game and expansions, even out-of-print modules) in an assortment of 6 custom plastic inserts and accompanying lids. It fits sleeved cards (recommend 60-micron thickness), and it is designed to facilitate quick setup via the player-token trays.

It doesn’t include the Viticulture core game (which is required to play Viticulture World) or other expansions. Its big, but its still portable, and it fits nicely onto a Kallax shelf.

The Wine Crate includes:
1 dual-layered, individually numbered cardboard box (272x298x186mm, 2.3 kg)
6 custom plastic inserts and lids (the trays will hold sleeved cards)

In its 6 custom plastic inserts, the Wine Crate can hold:
all Viticulture core game components (any version)
all Tuscany components (either version, including out-of-print modules)
all custom metal lira coins
all Moor Visitors cards
all Visit from the Rhine Valley cards
all Viticulture World components
all cards from the game and expansions, sleeved or unsleeved


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