“Twilight falls. Davokar darkens. The goblin Fenya sounded calm, despite the flock ofviolings that swarmedeagerly around themthe nasty birds could predict bloodshed, they all knewthat. Kvarek felt the sweat on his palms threaten his grip on the spear andshouted over his shoulder: Magdala, faster!The witch didnt answer, lost ashe was to the sinister harmonies of the ritual, her hands caressing the pillarsgrim stone face. A loud rumbling echoed through the ruin, as if some giant creature hadawoken and stood up from under layer upon layer of stoneand soil. The witchsaid that the abominations come out at night,the goblin muttered. Kvareksknuckles whitened as he tightened the grip: No, only that they are hungriestafter dark. They are not afraid of the evening sun, and not of… He was cutshort by Magdalas hoarse voice:The pillar has answered. I know where themausoleum is. Then, out of the ruins, the Blight Beast came at them, massive and roaring.Its claws scraped the rocky ground, scouring out deep sores oozing purecorruption, leaving drops of black, mercury-like mildew on moss and stones inits wake. “We cannot escape this,said Fenya. Magdala nodded agreement. Well then, Kvarek sighed, this is where we make our stand, for the right to the treasures of Symbaroum.
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