Orphaned at a young age, Ake Tott spent his youth duelling his fellow students at the university of Uppsalla, where he became better known for his skill with a sword than for his academic studies. At the age of fifteen, he left university to fight with the Swedes against Russia in the Ingrian War. After the war, he travelled around Europe, fighting as a mercenary for the Venetian Republic. Upon his return home, he became chamberlain to King Gustav Adolf, which led to his appointment as commander of the Finnish cavalry.
Tott excelled during the campaigns in Livonia and Prussia, but his hot-blooded nature often got him into trouble. At the battle of Grebin in 1627 Tott routed a much larger Polish force, earning him a knighthood, and the nickname of the Snow Plough, as he cleared the way for others to follow. When King Gustav invaded Germany, Ake Tott was in the Swedish vanguard as general of the cavalry (and later field marshal), leading the charge against Father Tilly and Pappenheim at Breitenfeld. He would go on to campaign in Pomerania, Mecklenburg and Saxony. After the death of Gustav at Lutzen, Tott would be part of the entourage that accompanied the King’s body back to Sweden.
Command Rating: 8
The Snowplough: All cavalry units in Tott’s battalia can be upgraded with the ‘Eager’ special rule @ +3pts.
Models supplied unassembled and unpainted
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