
Fallout Wasteland Warfare – Raiders – Crater Warlords

Original price was: $59.99.Current price is: $30.00.

SKU: GFHS127368 Category:


This miniatures set is part of THE WILDS OF APPALACHIA wave for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare! It takes a lot to keep the Raiders under control. To keep a group as large as the Crater Raiders in place, thats a whole other thing. Established in the eponymous Crater, deep in Toxic Valley – the Crater Raiders are an unusual sight to most travellers, Raiders actually willing to talk to you before they blow your head off, if only briefly. Despite the apparent civility the leadership of the Craters is tenuous at best, with Meg Groberg doing her best to keep the baser instincts of her violent charges in place for their own survival. All the while, dissenting voices claim shes grown soft, with figures like Lev pushing for a return to violence and the ways of the past. Despite all this, order is somehow kept, the Raiders havent killed each other, and some even manage to keep themselves in well-pressed suits.


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