
Dark Ages: Viking Hirdmen plastic boxed set

Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $28.00.

SKU: VFES414730 Category:


Warlord Games are pleased to present Gripping Beast’s new Viking Hirdsmen plastic boxed set.

Bent solely on pillaging monasteries, enslaving the helpless and massacring all who stood in their way the Viking Raiders are truly a force to be feared.

They made surprise attacks on lonely places where they knew they would not have to fight a big English army. English kings were too busy fighting one another to join forces against the Vikings so there was no English navy to guard the coasts making it easy for Vikings to land on a beach or sail up a river. After a raid the ships sailed home laden with treasures and captives.

  • The Viking box set features 44 multi-pose hard-plastic figures.
  • Also included in the box is a sprue of plastic bases and four paper Viking banners.


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