The RX-0 Unicorn Gundam is the titular mobile suit of Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn and its television re-cut, piloted by Banagher Links. When used for noble reasons by a pilot possessing the proper character, the RX-0 is the “key” to opening a mysterious object known only as Laplace’s Box.
Produced as the final part of the E.F.S.F’s reorganization plan – the “UC Project ” – the Unicorn Gundam is a revolutionary design and to be the main symbol of the “U.C. project’s” main goal – to destroy any traces of Zeonism in the Earth Sphere – and thus not only does it features a Gundam design, but also incorporates an anti-Newtype system. Two prototype machines were completed at Anaheim Electronics’ factory in Granada. However, when the Vist Foundation took control of the project, they turned the Gundam into a symbol of possibility by making it the key to finding Laplace’s Box – the embodied hope of the Universal Century. Featuring the most advanced mobile suit technology of the time, the machine’s performance is unmatched.
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