
Kings of War: Riftforged Orc Mega Army (2021)

Original price was: $234.95.Current price is: $70.49.

SKU: GFHS133372 Category:


Over myriad campaigns spanning many years, the Riftforged orcs fought battle after battle in Garkans name, hunting in the second circle, braving the fires of the fourth circle, enduring the tortures of the third circle, and battling the champions of the fifth circle. In the Abyss, death is not the end, and so the orc warriors fought, and fell, and rose to fight again, each resurrection making them stronger, cannier, and more skilled. In those campaigns, veterans emerged from the ranks, along with great leaders and shamanic Stormcallers.
80x Riftforged Orcs
1x Stormcaller on Manticore
3x Thunderseers
1x Riftforger
Please Note:
One Copy of Riftforged Orc Mega Army supplied in English


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