RarityRare Secret Card TypePokmon Hit Points160 HP FormBasic,EX TypePsychic AbilityKinesis When you play M Alakazam-EX from your hand to evolve this Pokmon, before it evolves, you may put 2 damage counters on your opponent’s Active Pokmon and 3 damage counters on 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokmon. Psychic,ColorlessSuppression Put 3 damage counters on each of your opponent’s Pokmon that has any Energy attached to it. WeaknessPsychic 2 ResistanceNone None Retreat CostColorlessRetreat CostColorless RulePokmon-EX rule: When a Pokmon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards. ArtistRyo Ueda
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